About Us
A H Khan Wholesale (PTY) LTD was started in 1986 by the late Mr. A H Khan and his wife Mrs. S B Khan under the name of “Symphony Investments”. Symphony investments changed its named to A H Khan Wholesale (PTY) LTD in 1994. The initial premises were situated in Jaco Place. In 1991 the company moved to 111 Pine Road, Clairwood.
Mr. M A Khan, youngest son of Mr. A H Khan joined the business in 1987. Dr A A Khan joined the business in 2003, following the passing of Mr. A H Khan. Now beginning the 3rd generation of Khan’s in the business, we hope that our future looks bright. The expansion and growth of the business necessitated a move again to its present location at 110 Archary Road, Clairwood, in 2010.
The business is primarily wholesale oriented. It deals in whole spices, prayer goods, grains, incense sticks, nuts and a variety of items aimed primarily at the Indian market. We also deal in herbal medicines directed to the African trade, which is a rapidly growing market. Our business revolves around providing the customer with the best products that are available on the market, at the most affordable and competitive prices. We strive to provide you, our customer, with the highest quality of service and merchandise.
We proudly source our goods from the widely growing global markets. With suppliers based in the following locations: India, Pakistan, Singapore, Holland, Sri Lanka, Spain, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, USA, and Canada. Locally, our clientele is situated all over South Africa, with the core base being in Durban and surrounding areas. Our representatives visit and travel to many places across the nation to meet our customers as well as to showcase our large variety of stock to potential new clients.